The case that I designed last week didn’t fit properly because the slots are misaligned. Even breaking the pieces didn’t help. Over the weekend, I had a stroke of inspiration when I saw my calculator which led to the case’s current design. Yes, I’m aware this is very late, but it took me 4 tries to get it right. And unfortunately, the ethernet and USB ports aren’t aligned properly. I had to elevate the Raspberry Pi 3 because the power supply would not get in the hole. However, I think, as of right now, the device will function fine without that part of the case.
I started creating the presention that’s going to be presented on December 4, 2018.
I am currently behind on the project. I still need the case to be made. I did finish the schematics today on CorelDRAW and sent it to the prototype lab.
I had a smaller PCB made. The headers got stuck on the Pi, and I had to resolder it becuase it removed some of the pins from the headers that are attached to the Pi.
I am currently on track with the project. I had the project tested with a python code I found on the internet, which works. The goal now is to make a case that will work with the PCB.
I am currently behind schedule and cannot complete the soldering milestone today. I did more research on code for it, especially in C.
The PCB’s header hole are wider than it should’ve been. I decided to delete the sensor and just manually create the headers for it. The PCB is expected to be ready by tomorrow, November 7.
No other purchases necessary for this week.
I am currently slightly behind on the project due to the sensor not being correct on Fritzing’s database
The main problem is that Fritzing doesn’t have the correect sensor in their database MPR121 does exist but it’s missing 2 pins. The one in their GitHub page is also outdated.
As of right now, I’m on schedule with the project. The component seems to be soldered correct and the Raspberry Pi 3 detected the device.
The only problem I experienced today was that I made mistakes with the soldering, where I bridged some of my pins by accident. This caused me to finish the soldering a lot longer than expected. Last week, my MPR121 sensor had not arrived, and fell slightly behind with the soldering component.
The first sensor was bought without paying for express shipping, but I did not expect the shipping dates to have a very wide margin. Therefore, I ended up buying another sensor and paid for express shipping for it. It ended up being a waste of money because both of them arrived on Friday, October 19.
Created budget document
Created Gantt chart
Created Proposal Content
Created the GitHub repository